‘Shows over’ – BC.


durarara animated GIF

Scene setting : The Peach Cafe – Blood City.

Co-written with Temp & Gene.


Temp:  Selina was interested in what Ava and Joel had to say about her, but she wasn’t expecting them to inquire about where and when she was from. It seemed that both of them were somewhat suspicious about her and her origins. If she were to tell them the truth then they would most likely not even believe her, and that was if Tallulah even allowed her to tell them in the first place. She had a feeling her Grimoire would interrupt somehow if Selina was about to let out some kind of important information to strangers. Regardless, she decided to just go ahead and go with whatever was going to happen. She stood up and followed Joel and Ava, and they would now make their way towards a Library. Just how was this going to go? Surely they weren’t a threat to her or anything…right?




“You should not be asking her where she is from….but rather…when, Miss Blackbane.”

Ava could not muster a reply. When she is from? Was Joel implying- no, he couldn’t be. Time travel came to her mind, however it was impossible. A few movies were based around them, but that’s all they were: movies. Movies were filled with lies, always giving a misrepresentation of reality. It was why she disliked them. Her ideal weekends would never be going to the cinema.

The decision to leave was, obviously, a good one. When Joel mentioned the library, Ava slid out of the booth and moved to the table she was previously at; there was one bag on the table, which contained products she bought at her time in the market. After collecting them, she looked to Joel and Selina, then the others. They were still the centre of attention and it began to unnerve Ava. She felt as though every individual had their eyes on the group. In associating themselves with Selina, it appeared the crowd now viewed them the same way: abnormal. If Ava had the guts, she’d step forward and defend hers and Joel’s actions. If only she had the guts.

With one nod, Ava indicated she was ready to leave. She walked to the door and held it open for Joel and Selina. It was time to go to the library.




Did Joel really expect Ava to entertain the notion that their new friend may in fact be from another time? It was true science fiction. Time travel simply was not possible according to all sources, and yet there were things in this world that no one could truly understand or even begin to comprehend. Joel was always passionate about learning as much as he could about theories, superstitions and even the occult. The whole point of his visit to the Peach cafe was to take notes and study from the ancient text that he had sitting on the booth table.

Taking the weathered book up off the table, Joel opened the flap of his leather satchel and carefully slid it inside. A light brushing down of the flap to conceal it and he was right to go. Ava was still muted by Joel’s suggestion, and this made him think that she found Joel’s statement to be fanciful. Selina on the other hand said nothing. This alone caused the hair on the back of Joel’s neck to bristle. Maybe he was onto something after all. He watched her slide out of the booth, with the cat plushie tight to her chest. It was just a toy, right?

Selina indicated with a nod of her head that she was ready to leave. Joel moved across the floor and pulled open the door. He stepped back as each of the girls passed through. This left him alone with the gawking crowd of cafe patrons. A dark and brooding look returned to his features as he said firmly.

“Shows over people. You can return to your regular dining schedule.” He sounded like a television broadcaster, but with a nasty streak. The customers all muttered to each other, before returning to their conversations, papers and laptops. All but one. A young man had been tapping something into his phone. This was the same man that had taken a picture earlier. Releasing the door, Joel strolled over and hovered before the man, before his hand reached out and snatched up the phone. The cheeky bastard was about to post the picture on social media.

“Oi! Give that back!” The young man protested. Joel held the phone just out of reach and said. “Oh…you mean this?” His thumb worked the keypad and he erased the picture of Selina and Ava with one flick. Happy now that the evidence of Selina’s visit was gone, he then dropped the phone into a glass of water. Mission complete


Joel smirked at the young man in the booth, and then headed out of the cafe, whistling to himself. The girls should be waiting outside, and together the trio would start off for the library.



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