The Song or the Memory?

Ever have those times when you are driving along and a song will come on the radio and just take you back in time in your mind? Like an emotional trigger, you find yourself thinking of people, of places of when you first heard the song.   A movie that I thought captured the ideal was probably Forest Gump, where the music was just as important in telling the story of Forest’s life.  If I could build a playlist of my life through music, I am sure that the top ten songs would be from those important family moments, or even the world events that happened at the time.

Sadly for me, the song that stands out in bringing an emotional response, relates to the death of a beloved Aunt.  I can’t help but burst into tears whenever I hear it.  Both for the lyrics, and the memory of losing someone that I adored from cancer.



11 thoughts on “The Song or the Memory?

  1. I don’t know that I could try to create a list of my top 10 favorite songs. It’d be easier trying to figure out my top 10 favorite artists but that list would still depend on my mood and what was going on in my life at that time.

    This is a lovely and sad song. Sorry about your aunt. 😦

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