One step ahead – GS.

Scene setting:  Elissa’s apartment.

co-written with VunG.


VunG:  It seemed that Tommy had taken what Elissa had implied the worst way possible. She was a bit of a cynic lately, that was just what the world had made of her, and so she was reluctant to say anything definitely even to herself. She wasn’t trying to tell him that this was nothing but sex, because it wasn’t; even if she didn’t fall for Tommy she definitely cared for him, and the last thing she wanted was to hurt him. Indeed, she enjoyed this physicality, but it wasn’t what she truly found precious. She felt so… warm with him, it was rare for something to penetrate the shell she’d erected around herself, and she was more than happy to have him there. Unfortunately, her bluntness had bitten them both in the ass.

While Tommy clearly made an attempt to act unaffected by her response, it was clear that he seemed… well hurt was the best word she could come up with. It broke her heart that that was how he’d taken it, and even as he rolled over she began trying to come up with words to attempt to fix it. Eventually, after a lot of brainstorming, she came up empty and decided to just wing it. Suddenly she swung herself back over to straddle Tommy again and leaned on him with her elbows, looking down at him with the softest, most apologetic expression she could manage. Slowly she reached up and took his chin to get him to look at her, and then leaned up a bit and signed, a sheepish expression on her face. ~I didn’t say I felt nothing,~ she said, almost as if she were chastising herself as much as him, ~I’m more than willing to find out if it is love.~ She really didn’t want to leave him feeling like his emotions were falling on deaf ears, because they didn’t; she adored Tommy, and he was brave to get those words out to begin with. Much braver than her, when she could only speak in uncertainties. She leaned in close to him, not moving to kiss, but just resting on top of him, and returning his poke on the nose, giving him an uncertain smile, hoping he at least forgave her for her unthinking callousness.


Razorbackwriter:  Tommy was wearing his heart on his sleeve. Laying there exposed and now flaccid. Amazing how the body reacts to the mind so quickly. The brave face was nothing but a front. A mask of feelings that were not genuine. Frank would smack the shit out of him for acting so stupid. He’d always been the one that loved and left. Staying to snuggle, hug….was never an option. He didn’t ever invest himself emotionally in a new relationship. Trying to stay one step ahead always. But Elissa had caught him off guard completely, and he reacted totally out of character. Was he even thinking of how she would react as he more or less mirrored her response. That gentle shrug. Trying to shake it all off.


The thing was he gave unsaid signals all by body language and Elissa was a lot quicker than he gave her credit. She was quick to straddle him, a dominant move just like earlier only this time it was not because she wanted to go for round two. Elissa took his chin in her hand and forced him to look at her as she sighed and showed a sheepish look. Elissa was trying to convey that she did feel something, but it just wasn’t love. Not yet. If Tommy had really been thinking, it would be impossible to fall in love with someone in such a short space of time. At least she was realistic. Grounded. This is something Tommy had to admire. He bore a crooked half smile as he tried to find the humor in the situation – always a fail safe. Then Elissa said something with her hands that he did understand. It broke through finally that she was willing to find out what love was. That would require time; and they both had plenty of that.

Elissa then poked his nose, rather than seal her words with a kiss. This would be their thing. She looked so hopeful that he understood what she felt and thankfully, he took her fingers and bit on them playfully. That boyishness returning in the full. His ego was bruised, sure – but not broken.

Tommy reached around and slapped Elissa’s backside playfully.

“You just wanted to be on top. I know all about girls like you.”



VunG:  It was actually kind of strange, but Elissa was almost afraid of alienating Tommy… she didn’t know why, but she didn’t want to be left alone. She wouldn’t quite call it an alien sensation, but she certainly wasn’t comfortable with the thought; yet as had been made apparent she was more the sort to handle a problem head on than avoid it. Thankfully though, her bravery wouldn’t need to be tested, as once his expression cleared up, she could tell that he was at least mostly back, perhaps not fully but enough for things to more or less return to how they were moments ago. Of course, the way he decided to confirm those thoughts was… unusual, and when he began nibbling on her fingers she found herself stifling a laugh, not entirely certain how to react but finding it funny. She even went so far as to wiggle her fingers, playing with him as if he were a cat, happy to just take this playful stance. And then he went ahead and smacked her backside. She made a face like she would have yelped with surprise if she could, but then she promptly settled into a wickedly playful grin.

To his accusation of her being ‘one of those girls,’ she just sat gave him a ‘guilty as charged’ shrug, giving him a Cheshire cat grin as she did so. Then she sat up a bit straighter, looking down on him confidently, nibbling on her own lips thoughtfully. ~I didn’t see you trying to take charge,~ she countered challengingly, placing her hands on her hips afterwards, almost daring him to try something. Of course, she actually kind of wanted him to try something, whether it be just friendly non-sexual playing or bending her over and taking her furiously. In case he hadn’t guessed, she was a bit more rough and tumble than most gals, and while she could do soft, she preferred to go hard and heavy with whatever she did.


Razorbackwriter:  Oh she was the devil for trying to say that Tommy was not dominant. Not taking charge, eh? That was a dare if ever he saw one. Watching her sit up straight and place those tiny hands on her hips – the way she chewed her bottom lip all seductive like. Yep, she WAS one of those girls. Damn straight.

So…Tommy rose to the challenge. In fact the way he shot up would have her caught off guard, possibly falling backwards. Tommy was fast and reached for her legs, so he could make sure she did fall back on the bed as he went to being on his knees. Flat on her back. Who was the dominant one now? He didn’t grip her legs hard, but she wouldn’t exactly be able to wiggle herself free.

So there she was, legs spread and Tommy in a commanding position. Tommy arched his right brow as he cracked a wicked smile.

“Round two then?”

He’d seen the Cheshire grin, the playful tease. The earlier closeness and touching was now a memory as Tommy changed tact and decided to play the Dom. He bent forward and then licked her right nipple before biting it. The playing had just begun to get more serious.


A darker shade of Crimson – BC

Scene setting : The Peach Cafe – Blood City.

co-written with Temp and Gene.


Temp:  Selina’s true self was quickly rising to the surface due to the thoughts running through her mind. From what her Grimoire had explained, it seemed as though her true self was suppressed during normal times. However, during times of high mental and emotionally stress that suppression faded. This was beginning to prove itself to be fact. Her fingers curled until her hands formed fists, and her teeth ground together in frustration. Her own kind was responsible for all this, right? Normal Witches. Scum. Scoundrels. Weaklings. Peasants. “Nay! I shall not submit to this fury!” The words were shouted seemingly out of nowhere and to nobody in particular. She had already drawn in quite a few looks due to the inquiry of the nearby woman, and now this little outburst would add upon it. Her cheeks ran red as she fully realized what she had shouted. There wasn’t much time for self loathing though, as the man from earlier had suddenly made his way to her side. He was close to her now, and giving her a very kind and helpful look. Her eyes soon locked onto his, and as they did, the bright blue of her eyes flashed a bright red. Whether or not this man realized it, he had managed to calm her down enough to drive her true self back. The eye color change was a signal of this, as her true self had bright red eyes instead of blue. Surely he would notice this change, but how would he react? It wasn’t something that she was concerned with. Instead of any further sadness or embarrassment, she took the mans hand very gently. “I happily accept thy tender. Once again, thou hast mine gramercy.” The man seemed to understand her more than anyone else, so surely he would know she was fine with his offer. If her words didn’t click, then her taking his hand more than likely would.



Despite Joel’s sudden encouragement to ask her to join us, Ava was unable to. Her mind was too busy thinking of reasons why the girl would be upset. And, of course, asking if the girl was okay did not help at all. Ava instantly shied away, regretting what she had done.

“Nay! I shall not submit to this fury!”

The outburst took Ava by surprised, temporarily allowing Ava to stop wallowing in regret. It was evident Selina was angry, but the reason remained unclear. Was it because of the attention? Or was it because of Ava’s question? Ava began to say something, but stopped. An indescribable feeling churned in the depths of her stomach; what was it? It was excitement to discover the unknown. Admittedly, feeling such a thing at such a time wasn’t a good thing. There was some concern for the girl, but Ava primarily wanted to know more about her. Did she even come from Ozyrn? The fashion in a few Cities were very different, however Ava had little knowledge about them to calculate which City she’d come from. Furthermore, there was the dilemma of entering the City – unless you were high ranked in another City and were coming for whatever reason.

The suddenness of Joel’s action caused Ava to slightly jump; she wasn’t expecting Joel to interfere. She overheard him asking her to join. Now, a mixture of relief and embarrassment overcame her. Relief that Joel had jumped in and request that she join them and embarrassment that Ava was unable to do so; arguably, Ava had been distracted by whatever the girl was thinking, but for Ava it was still inexcusable. She managed a slight smile that the girl had calmed down, though one thing was clear: there would be talk in the City. Gossip had a way to spread across the City, like a disease. Ava was glad Selina had accepted Joel’s offer, but now her mind began to tick. She was almost certain the arrival of the ‘strange girl’ would be known; Ava had never seen her before in the City, however she could have been in Kayl or the lower Districts. Originally, Ava assumed the girl was cosplaying – perhaps she still was – but now, Ava wasn’t too sure. Either the girl was very good at it or something was wrong. Maybe it was Ava knowing the existence of magic which was causing her to overthink the situation, or even consider options a normal person may not. Still, Ava had no idea about the existence of the other Supernaturals or that the City was riddled with Witches; any conclusions about Selina would probably be far from true. If the girl was truly like this then… Ava didn’t want to think of it. The Council had a way to be paranoid – especially her father – and would investigate if she was a threat; Joel was right, people feared what they didn’t know. Rumours had it that people, in the past, had gone missing. The reasons why were unclear to Ava, but she could guess it was probably because they were a danger, in one way or another, to the City or challenged the status quo.



The young girl’s sudden outburst tore through the cafe faster than wildfire, alarming many of the patrons at nearby booths and tables. It certainly took Joel by surprise, but he remained calm – not letting Selina see that it unsettled him. A sudden change in the girl’s tone showed she was losing control of herself in the face of the strangers around her. But what truly came off as weird, was how the girl’s eyes changed. From the softest blue to a daring red. Almost like her eyes were on fire. Was there another, more violent side to this girl? Or was she scared? To Joel it appeared to be a bit of both. She truly was alone, lost and confused by everything around her. This cemented what Joel had already begun to suspect. The young teacher didn’t waiver however, he was made of tougher stuff. The pair were almost locked in a staring competition. Joel gently holding the girl’s hand, until the storm passed and her eyes changed back to the pretty blue from before.

“I happily accept thy tender. Once again, thou hast mine gramercy.”

Joel smiled, but it was only a small one. Tender steps and care was needed in order to help this girl. He eased himself up into standing, and assisted the girl to move from the booth she was in, over to the one that Ava was at. Ava looked to be a million miles away. Clearly, she had a lot on her mind, or the girl was making her nervous.

“It would be rude of me not to make introductions, Miss. I am Mister Joel Martin, a teacher at the Acalo school.” Joel placed a gloved hand to his chest, before then turning his wrist and using his fingers to gesture towards Ava.

“And this is Miss Blackbane, a student. If I am not wrong, you both appear to be the same age.” This was Joel’s way of breaking the ice, or perhaps helping the girls find a common ground. The earlier incident would not be brought up again, unless of course Selina happened to mention it. Though with those rosy red cheeks, Selina may have been too shy to speak of it. She barely knew Joel or Ava for that matter. Joel continued to stand, so that Selina might sit. He kept a sharp eye on the rest of the cafe’s patrons. If any dared approach, he would gladly fend them off. The last thing the young girl needed was unwanted attention. Joel felt he needed to keep this under wraps. He wasn’t stupid. Joel knew that there were those in the city hierarchy that investigated those that were deemed to be….different.

“Can I get you another cup of tea? A sandwich perhaps.”

Joel wanted to find out more about this girl. His eyes darting to his weathered book. A book that had lived through the city’s troubled past.




Ted Mulry Gang – Jump In My Car


A Countdown classic from the 70’s.  Ted Mulry gang appeared at a floating music festival on the Sydney Harbour along with John Paul Young; another up and coming Australian performer of the day.  This song is called; “Jump in my car” which is the tale of a young bloke offering a hitchhiker a ride in his car, but the driver got more than he bargained for.


Jump in my car, I want to ta-ake you home
Mmm, jump in my car, it’s too far to walk on your ow-own
No thank you sir-ir
Ah, see’mon, I’m a trustworthy guy

No thank you sir-ir
Oh little girl I wouldn’t tell you no lie
I know your ga-ame
How can you say that, we only just met

You’re all the sa-ame
Ooh, she’s got me there, but I’ll get her yet
I got you there-ere
No you didn’t, I was catchin’ my breath

And look it’s startin’ to rain and baby you’ll catch your death
Well, I don’t know-ow
Ah, come on it costs nothin’ to try
And you’ll arrive ho-ome nice and dry

Mmm-mmm, jump in my car, I want to ta-ake you home
See’mon jump in my car, it’s too far to walk on your ow-own

Mmm-mmm, jump in my car, I want to ta-ake you home
See’mon jump in my car, it’s too far to walk on your ow-own
Well maybe I wi-ill
Ah, that’s better now, your talkin’ sense

Jeepers keep still
Well, if you like I’ll just put up a fence
No need to get smar-art
Well alright we’ll soon be on our-our way-ay

We better start
What for?
Because it’s such a long way-ay
Well, why, where d’you live

I live down south, it’s roughly eighty-four mi-iles
Hey slow down, you must be jokin’ there behind that cute smile
Oh, no I’m no-ot
Well, if you’re not there’s only one thing to say-ay

And what’s tha-at?
Get out the car, get on your way

Get out of my car
But you just said tha-at you’d take me home
Well, if it’s not too far-are
But there’s no way that I can get there alone

I couldn’t care less
Maybe I cou-ould see you next week
But you look a me-ess
Look who’s talkin’, you got no right to spea-ek

Get out of my car

You told me that you were a really nice guy

Well I ain’t

Yeah, get out of my car.

Get out, get out of my car.





Wrong Impressions – GS.

Scene setting: Elissa’s Apartment – GS.

co-written with VunG.


VunG:  Oh, the precious feelings of the after-glow. For the first time in what felt like ages Elissa could feel her barriers lowering; here the real world couldn’t touch them… they were away from it all. It had been far too long since she experienced a moment like this, where she could just take to someone like this and embrace. As they continued to kiss, her hands roamed a bit, straying down to his backside, lightly feeling and testing his wonderful body. Even if this wasn’t love, she felt absolutely enraptured by this wonderful intimacy.

As he took her cheek, she gladly looked back into his eyes, relaxing and searching him, trying to figure out what thoughts were going through his head. She, for her part, didn’t think that this was love… yet. She had felt this sensation before, her husband and another man on the force before him. The latter never progressed beyond a physical relationship, but she always cared about him as a friend, even now that he had left the city she kept in contact with him. This was something that could become love, and she had no issue with that, but at the same time it could just be the warmth of intimacy.

She too was aware of the day beginning, but she was in no hurry to let get the day get going. There was nothing she knew of that they really needed to do, unless Tommy had work, and while she definitely needed to get clean, she couldn’t shower proper for a few hours yet so it was something she wanted to put off as long as possible. She was perfectly fine just staying here with him, perhaps just snuggling, perhaps going out on a proper date, perhaps showering together, perhaps watching movies, perhaps making more bed music. To her the outside world wasn’t so much tearing away at their little world; it was laying siege, but she had more than enough food to last for a while yet.

And then suddenly Tommy said something that completely threw her off-guard. He was falling for her. She blinked with surprise, looking down and to the side in thought, trying to figure out her own thoughts. She… wasn’t quite there for him… she definitely cared for him, she wanted to find out if she would fall for him… but she wasn’t there. Still, she supposed they’d find out what this was in time. She didn’t talk in response, but she returned her gaze to him, a soft smile appearing on her face as she shrugged lightly. She didn’t want to crush his spirits, hurting him was so far out of her desires it may as well have been in China, but lying to him was something she also didn’t want to do. Regardless, she intended to try. Slowly she leaned back in and kissed him, softer this time, but still with a great deal of passion.


Razorbackwriter:  Tommy had said what he felt in his heart, the problem was he also wasn’t thinking. The words blurted out like he was a love struck teenager. But that is not who Tommy really was. Was it? It didn’t take much to see that Elissa was totally caught off guard by Tommy’s surprise admission. The truth of her feelings came not from the soft smile, but that gentle shrug of her shoulders. To Tommy that was a sign that she didn’t know how she felt…..but she didn’t feel the same. That single moment was like time had slowed and Tommy found himself now in uncharted waters. He closed his eyes as she moved in to kiss him again – still with that hunger. The passion was there, yes.


But it was just sex……..

Tommy reciprocated and kissed her back as he tried to put douse the feelings. He was a fool for thinking that this was love. He was a man for god’s sake. If Tommy could have slapped his forehead and cursed he would have, but instead he just held her. The wandering of his fingers came to a slow stop. Tommy drew back and then shrugged his shoulders too, before placing a finger tip on her nose and pressing it lightly. Rolling back he pulled his hands so that they would be resting behind his head – staring at the ceiling. No amount of words was going to fix what he had said.  If only the world could swallow him up.



Little Girl Lost – BC.


Scene setting : The Peach Cafe – Blood City.

co-written with Temp and Gene.


Temp:  Well, at least there were still gentlemen in this time period. The mans sole satisfaction with her smile was flattering, and the words were more than welcomed. It was a nice change of pace from strange looks and mumbled words. Unfortunately, the girl near the man seemed to be unsure as to how she should interact with her. The very late wave was something she decided to forgive and let go, rather than find any kind of offense. Selina was different from everyone around her, that much she was beginning to understand. From what she had gathered so far, there had been quite a bit of advancement as far as the human race went, both in terms of society and intelligence. There was likely a great deal of learning that she had to do, at least if she wished to live among these humans. The alternative to adapting to this new urban environment was to live in the wilderness. There would be a great deal of room for experimentation and witchcraft, should she choose to partake in it. It would also mean that her Awakened form wouldn’t be able to cause any sort of disaster. Leaving was definitely the best option, no doubt about it. Surviving on her own wouldn’t prove very difficult, or at least she assumed so. Before she did anything she would have to speak with her Grimoire, who was currently being stubborn and keeping her mouth shut. For now, she could at least enjoy her time among these ‘modern’ humans. Who knows, maybe she’ll even learn something.

Presently, she was too busy focusing on the food in front of her to notice anything going on around her. Anyone staring or talking about her would go unnoticed, at least for now. The quality of the food was a massive improvement from what she could remember eating in the past, which was fantastic. She had always enjoyed sweet things, but these biscuits were simply amazing. The tea was also very good and really fresh, which was quite surprising. The advancements to cooking techniques were something she was very excited to experience. Eating in general was something she loved doing. Thankfully she had no reason to worry about her figure, a true miracle. “So much hath changed.” Speaking to herself was a common practice she took part in, though this time she was communicating with Tallulah, who still remained still and silent. Was the world view on magic another thing that had changed? There was no other reason for her to remain inactive than that, considering she was very talkative when the two were previously alone. The silence was beginning to make her feel a bit lonely and depressed. Which only helped make her realize that she really was completely alone. Not one person from her coven likely remained, even descendants were highly unlikely to be alive. “I wish I couldst return to mine slumber…” Why hadn’t she thought of this from the beginning? Maybe she was just trying to deny the facts. Either way, it was unsettling and very distressing. A tightening of her chest was beginning to develop, as well as a very clear look of dread that now painted itself upon her face. She was starting to feel unstable, which was not a good thing at all.



The kindness and politeness displayed by Joel, to the girl, did come to Ava’s attention. He was an interesting person – that was for sure. Ava almost wished she could do the same; quickly switch how she acted around certain people. It’d certainly be a useful skill.

When Joel explained why he helped her, Ava’s gaze flickered to the floor. He had a point; people feared the unknown. Even Ava did, especially when she first began to practice magic. However, her fascination and curiosity was sufficient enough to motivate her to continue. Ava looked towards the girl. She was eating, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. She only turned to face Joel when he posed the question. This brought about silence once more. Anyone would want help if they were lost and hungry; the answer was simple enough, but Ava knew that wasn’t the point. Even though everyone would say yes, it was ironic how they wouldn’t help someone else in that same position. Ava wasn’t brought up to be charitable and had hardly been exposed to the poverty within the City. It was the same reason why she read the newspaper: Ava wanted to learn the truth about the City. The City – or the world for that matter – wasn’t a utopia.

“I understand,” She nodded. Just talking to Joel was allowing Ava to learn new things and open her mind; well, he was a teacher after all, “Should we ask her to sit with us?”

Once again, Ava twisted in her seat to look at Selina. This time was different. A look of worry was on Selina’s face and Ava’s own expression began to mimic it. Was the girl alright? Come to think of it, Ava realised she appeared to be around the age where one wouldn’t expect her to be out, in the city, by herself.

“Are you okay?” Ava called to her. A few of the neighbouring booths and tables heard the question, Selina once again becoming their centre of focus. It wasn’t Ava’s intention to bring any more attention to Ava; she bit down on her lip, silently cursing herself for her stupidity.



Soft words said only to herself were casually overheard. Joel couldn’t help but hear what the girl in the next booth was saying. Though it was not directed to anyone in particular, it did give rise to clues about the girl’s circumstance, and this suddenly made the young teacher curious. A natural trait of one that always was seeking to learn more about the world and those around him. Though Joel had his back to the girl, he was becoming more aware of her plight with each passing second. For a moment he zoned out of the conversation with the young pupil opposite him. Ava’s gaze was now going past Joel towards the girl in the next booth. Had what he said awakened something in her? Perhaps Ava did understand that Joel was in fact giving her a lesson on morals. “I understand.” But did she really? Only time would tell.

“Should we ask her to sit with us?”

“I wasn’t planning on staying much longer, but if you insist.” Joel was being honest in that he had planned to head home to Orago district. That was until the girl behind them muttered that so much had changed. What could she have meant by that? The girl was dressed as though she had stepped out of a time machine – not that there were even such things in existence. Not in reality anyways. Joel’s ears peaked again, when he heard the following remark again aimed at no one. “I wish I couldst return to mine slumber…”

That was enough for Joel.

“Go on and ask then, Miss Blackbane.”

Joel shifted in the booth, so that he could make room for the girl if she should happen to join them once Ava asked. Ava’s face however showed concern, which had Joel glance back at the girl again. Indeed the young girl was deeply troubled. Her lips pouting – a very real sadness showed. The tea and biscuits may have helped stave off hunger, but it was not enough to take away the sorrow. Who was this girl…..and where did she come from? More importantly, now that Joel studied her garments more closely…..when?

“Are you okay?” Ava called, bringing about the focus again of the entire cafe upon the young girl sitting alone in the next booth. That was the last thing she needed. Joel decided on action. Sliding across and out of the booth, he took the few steps and crouched down so that the girl could stare directly into his somber grey eyes.

“Please Miss. Come join us. We might be able to help you.”

Whether or not Joel could help remained to be seen, as he didn’t know the truth about the girl. Not yet. Joel offered his hand to the girl for her to take. Such gentleness in his expression, where from earlier he looked at the waitresses so differently. The young teacher could change emotions as easily as blinking. He waited patiently for the girl’s response.
